Christian II's Land og Bylov: en acceleration af centraliseringen
Christian 2., Land- og bylov, lovkompleks, embedsmand, 1500-talletResumé
Christian II’s Body of Law: An Acceleration of the Centralisation
This article’s main focus has been on the structure of civil servants as presented
in Christian II’s body of law dated to the 6th of January 1522. As shown by the cases of the herredsdommer and the skultus – two types of local, legal officials situated in respectively rural - and urban areas – the system of civil servants in the body of law had several fundamental differences compared to the system just before the body of law’s time.
The breaking points between the body of law and its immediate past could be
viewed from several different angles, but as I have argued in this article: common to all of these breaks are a growth in the centralisation as a result.
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