Menstruation, Frame-analyse, UNICEF, LigestillingResumé
In recent years, and particularly since 2015, menstruation and the dificulties as- sociated with it have gained more attention on the global agenda. UNICEF has been one of the key actors in the ield of menstruation and menstrual hygiene ma- nagement (MHM). Based on Chris Bobel’s critique of the MHM-sector, this article examines UNICEFs narrative of menstruation and MHM and discusses the pro- blems this can lead to, based on an analysis of how UNICEF frames the dificulties associated with menstruation and MHM. The methodology used is Rhys H. Wil- liams’ frame analysis, within the theoretical framework of diversity feminism.
In the article, I present Bobel’s criticism in three main points regarding the MHM-sector’s narrative and framing of the problems tied to menstruation and MHM. Even though some of these problems are also found in UNICEF’s narrati- ve and framing, I show that they are becoming more nuanced in their views on MHM and highly attentive to the speciic context in which they work. According to UNICEF, it is important to include both the practical, physical, social, and cul- tural issues in the work to improve menstruation experience. Their view is there- fore shown to be more nuanced than one could expect based on Bobel’s critique.
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