”Hvoraf kommer det, at vi alle ere saa demokratiske som vi ere?” - Demokratisk-monarkiske bondevenner i den danske grundlovskamp


  • Anne Engelst Nørgaard




Democracy, popular sovereignty, constitutions, conceptual history, monarchy


The article studies the rhetoric of ’Bondevennernes Selskab’, an organized peasant movement, in the constitutional battle of 1848-49. Through an analysis of speeches held on the constitutional assembly by members of the peasant movement, the article concludes that the movement’s call for democracy was supported with a rhetoric that used the absolutist king as a legitimizing figure. Through the principle of popular sovereignty, the concept of democracy was connected to the concept of ‘people’ and ideas of a strong monarch. This rhetoric was used to legitimize the status of the peasant movement as speaking on behalf of the people and in claiming political agency for the peasantry.




How to Cite

Nørgaard, A. E. (2018). ”Hvoraf kommer det, at vi alle ere saa demokratiske som vi ere?” - Demokratisk-monarkiske bondevenner i den danske grundlovskamp. Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, (69), 71–88. https://doi.org/10.7146/sl.v0i69.104323