Engelsk socialrealisme reenacted. Slaget ved Orgreave (nu og dengang)


  • Janna Lund




The article “English social realism re-enacted – The Battle of Orgreave (now and then)” is taking inspiration from the professor in theatre and performance studies Rebecca
Schneider’s study of living history and the re-enactment wave in Performing Remains from 2011. Based on Schneider’s publication, the article opens a discussion of Jeremy Deller’s comprehensive and much debated re-enactment, The Battle of Orgreave (2001). Initially the historical circumstances surrounding the clash between police and striking miners is introduced, after which the making of the piece and its execution is presented. Following this, the reception of Deller’s work in art criticism is deliberated, which forms the vantage point for a discussion of re-enactment as a medium for art. This is done through a critical examination of the reception history of Deller’s piece, along with thoughts on what impact the piece has had from the perspective of memory – both for the collective and for the individual participants in the piece. Finally, the article raises a discussion of what re-enactment can be said to contribute to our experience and reception of historical events.





Lund, J. (2018). Engelsk socialrealisme reenacted. Slaget ved Orgreave (nu og dengang). Periskop – Forum for Kunsthistorisk Debat, (19), 82–99. https://doi.org/10.7146/periskop.v0i19.114006