Our Special Issue on Transmetodology is complete.


December 2022

We are delighted to announce that the last articles in the special issue on
Transmethodology – Creating spaces for transgressive and transformative inquiry” are
published. We proposed the term transmethodology to capture the many ways in which we as
researchers engage in transgressing boundaries or divisions between theory and practice,
ontology and epistemology, and between methods and research fields. Our aim was to make
space for and bring to light the often messy, non-linear, and complex research processes that
form our methodologies. As editors, we have been excited about the huge interest in this
special issue, and we are impressed by the range of research fields, topics, theories, and
methods the articles cover. The special issue illustrates a broad and diverse field of ways of
thinking and working transgressively.

The 11 articles challenge the familiar and taken-for-granted notions of theory
and method, and transverse dichotomies, polarities, and (a)symmetries between paradigms
and theoretical conceptualizations. The articles make visible how developing knowledge is
interwoven with many other ongoing and often parallel processes, such as research
collaborations, the collective development of ideas, the particularities of and access to
research fields etc. There is a common emphasis on critical self-reflection in relation to the
researchers’ positioning, choices, and ways of producing research. In this way, the authors
offer insights into what “doing research” entails, bringing to the fore what is often a hidden
backdrop in journal articles - the obstacles, doubts, and sometimes resistant processes of
knowledge production.

Happy reading
Iram Khawaja & Dorte Kousholt