Bibliotek för alla?

En studie om tillgänglighet och delaktighet i folkbiblioteksplaner


  • Lisa Engström Lund University



Public library, Policy analysis, Accessiblity, Participation, Democracy


The Swedish Library Act states that “Library activities shall be available to everyone” and other policy documents in Sweden promote the public library as a place making information and culture accessible to all. The Library Acts of Denmark, Finland and Norway include similar statements, as well as the core values of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. However, the concept of accessibility is seldom defined or discussed. During recent years, the concept of participation is widely used in the context of accessibility in cultural policies, including policies related to public libraries. Even so, this concept also lacks a clear meaning. Accessibility and participation are closely related to democracy; by making information accessible and by enabling participation libraries are considered as promoters of democracy. Thus, when the meaning of accessibility and participation changes, the understanding of democracy is affected. In this article, I explore the meaning of the concepts accessibility and participation in Swedish library policies. Eleven library policies are analyzed utilizing Arnsteins “ladder of participation” and Fraser’s critique of Habermas notion of the public sphere. The article also discusses how the notion of democracy is affected by the different meanings accessibility and participation hold in the respective policies.

Author Biography

Lisa Engström, Lund University

Senior Lecturer, Library and Information Studies, Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences


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How to Cite

Engström, L. (2021). Bibliotek för alla? En studie om tillgänglighet och delaktighet i folkbiblioteksplaner. Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2(2), 1–18.