Call for papers to Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies vol. 6, no 2: Thematic issue: Reading in Nordic Library and Information Studies


This call (closing 1 of June 2025) for papers aims for a special thematic issue that focuses on the multi-faceted and varying dimensions of reading, especially in relation to concepts such as reading practices and cultures, reading experiences and reading activities, e.g. reading promotion in different library contexts.

Reading has been a hot topic of debate in recent years. Focus in the debates has especially been on the reading crisis among children and young people and reading is often charged with qualities such as literacy, empathy, education, democratic participation, among others. In the midst of these debates, libraries continue to play a crucial role in advancing both the study and practice of reading. Different notions of reading as expressed in debates, underline the multifaceted nature of reading and raises the critical question: what do we really mean when we talk about reading? Furthermore, what are the historical and institutional politics of reading in different settings? How are discourses of reading constituted, and is it possible to identify certain ideologies of reading? 

We welcome papers that examine reading as a socially, materially, institutionally and politically situated practice in both contemporary and historical contexts. The call encourages papers that address different types of reading, particularly fiction reading, and even practices questioning and challenging presumed limits of reading. We also welcome papers that are methodologically and theoretically experimental and exploring. Furthermore, we would be delighted to welcome papers that draw from the longstanding tradition of user studies within library and information studies, to explore and problematize the position of the reader and his/her conditions for reading.

In this issue, we welcome the submission of original research papers that will undergo blind peer review. If you are uncertain about whether the topic you have in mind suits this call, do not hesitate to reach out to the guest editors.

The Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, NJLIS, is a scholarly, peer reviewed open access journal, covering scientific issues and current trends in Library and Information Studies. The Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies publishes Nordic and international peer reviewed LIS articles and reviews of significant LIS literature. The editorial committee consists of representatives from LIS departments in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The role of editor rotates annually between the members of the editorial committee. The journal is published by the University of Copenhagen’s online platform

This is a call for papers for a special issue due to be published ultimo 2025. Deadline for full papers: 2025-06-01.


The journal is published with support from Lund University, Linnaeus University, University of Borås, Södertörn University, Oslo Metropolitan University, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, University of Copenhagen, Umeå University, Uppsala University, University of Iceland, Tampere University, and Åbo Akademi University.

General guidelines

Articles submitted to NJLIS should not be submitted to or published in other journals.


Manuscripts should be submitted via the website


The maximum length for original research articles is 8,000 words.


Texts in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, or English are accepted.


Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies adheres to the latest version of the APA (American Psychological Association) reference style.

Peer Review Process

Submitted original research articles are subject to double-blind peer-review. The editor decides on publishing after the review process. Papers may be rejected directly by the editor if judged to be out of scope, deemed as sub-standard or not adhering to the author guidelines.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.