A Study in Scarlett: Creaky Voice and Romantic Intention in Spike Jonze’s Her


  • Joachim Jelle Aarhus University




non-modal phonation, creaky voice, vocal fry, desirability, romantic effort, Scarlett Johansson, Her, English Linguistics 3


Research indicates that women may use creaky voice to increase their own perceived romantic desirability. This auditory analysis of Scarlett Johansson’s use of creaky voice related this specific use of non-modal phonation to her romantic intentions. This was done by looking at four scenes in Spike Jonze’s Her, all of which suggested a different stage in the relationship between the two main characters (Johansson and Joaquin Phoenix). Creakiness in these scenes was assessed by counting the number of clauses in the four scenes as well as the number of creaks in the clauses. It was concluded that a positive correlation exists between the use of creaky voice and the attempt on part of the female speaker to sound desirable. The present study therefore supports the existing literature on the romantic signaling function of creaky voice.


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How to Cite

Jelle, J. (2017). A Study in Scarlett: Creaky Voice and Romantic Intention in Spike Jonze’s Her. Leviathan: Interdisciplinary Journal in English, (1). https://doi.org/10.7146/lev.v0i1.96789


