Framing Secular Women’s Rights in Contemporary Britain and Beyond: Challenges and Implications (MA Thesis)


  • Martin Rosendal Ehlers Aarhus University



Islam, Muslims, women’s rights, multiculturalism, framing, critical discourse analysis, hegemony, Sharia, discourse, Britain, universalism, Islamism, MA thesis


This thesis argues that a group of women from Muslim majority communities campaigning against Sharia law in Britain is challenging group rights multicultural discourse, and that this challenge is quite serious. The thesis’ premise is based on decentering. Instead of looking at their campaign through the lens of multicultural theory, the campaigners are given the proverbial first and last word against their intellectual adversaries. This is done for the purpose of added value – there is limited literature in the field privileging this position. The theory used consists of frame analysis with added insights from critical theory and critical discourse analysis, as power and the concept of hegemony are central to the case. It is concluded that the way the women frame their campaign and their politics does indeed challenge group rights multicultural discourse.


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How to Cite

Ehlers, M. R. (2017). Framing Secular Women’s Rights in Contemporary Britain and Beyond: Challenges and Implications (MA Thesis). Leviathan: Interdisciplinary Journal in English, (1).


