Paul Röhrig in memoriam
Paul Røhrig in memoriam
Af/by Norbert Vogel
Norbert Vogels nekrolog over Paul Røhrig, professor i almen pædagogik ved Kölns Universitet, fremhæver hans organisering og ledelse af den store internationale Grundtvig-kongres i 1988 i anledning af universitetets som et udtryk for hans livslange humanistiske indsats for voksenoplysning og arbejderuddannelse.
Han erhvervede sig gentagne indtryk, praktiske og teoretiske, fra den danske højskolebevægelse og søgte som den bedste tyske kender p. feltet at udbrede viden om Grundtvigs pædagogiske tanker i Tyskland.
Norbert Vogel’s obituary for Paul Røhrig, professor of education in the University of Cologne, emphasises his organization and leadership of the major international Grundtvig-congress in 1988 in connection with the university’s 600th anniversary, as an expression of his lifelong humanistic engagement with adult education and workers’ education. He drew his constant inspiration, both practical and theoretical, from the Danish high school movement and, as the German most familiar with the territory, he sought to disseminate knowledge of Grundtvig’s educational thinking in Germany.