Hunters of the Past

A Study of Demography, Attitudes, and Values among Danish Metal Detector Users




Citizen science; metal detecting; vocational archaeology; heritage management


This article presents the results of a questionnaire-based survey on demographic aspects and prevailing attitudes, motivations and values among the Danish hobbyist metal detector community. The objective is to take a first step towards a scholarly appraisal of the social dimension of the metal detector phenomenon - e.g. its people as members of a community with its own specific and probably often diverging characteristics and dynamics. Hereby we want to contribute to shaping a best practice framework for interacting and cooperating with detectorists in Denmark and internationally.


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How to Cite

Lykkegård-Maes, M., & Dobat, A. S. (2022). Hunters of the Past: A Study of Demography, Attitudes, and Values among Danish Metal Detector Users. Danish Journal of Archaeology, 11, 1–22.



Research Article