Vestervang at Kirke Hyllinge, Zealand
a late Iron Age settlement with rich stray finds
Iron Age, Viking Age, agrarian settlement, pit houses, longhouses, metal stray finds, metal detector, Roskilde Fjord, Lejre, KarlebyAbstract
In 2007 Roskilde Museum investigated a settlement dated to the late Germanic Iron Age/Viking Age. The excavated area of c. 18,000 m2 unveiled 18 longhouses and 21 pit houses but is probably best understood as a single farm in c. six phases. The settlement consists of rather modest structures, not exceeding 20 m in length, which contrasts with the broad range of rich contemporary metal stray finds from the site. This paper presents the excavation results and briefly proposes a possible connection between this site and the nearby elite complex of Lejre.
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