Ungulates exploitation for subsistence and raw material, during the Maglemose culture in Denmark

the example of Mullerup site (Sarauw’s Island) in Sjælland


  • Charlotte Leduc




Maglemose culture, early Mesolithic, Denmark; archaeozoology, animal exploitation, Carcass processing, bone tool industry


This article presents results from recent re-analysis of the faunal remains from Mullerup (Zealand), the first excavated site attributed to the Maglemose Culture (9600–6550 cal BC) in Denmark. All faunal remains and fragments related to the bone tool industry (pieces and waste) were studied together, in order to reconstruct the total exploitation of animal resources for dietary as well as ‘technical’ (non-dietary) purposes by Maglemosian groups. The detailed quantification of species, individuals, skeletal elements, as well as marks on the bone surfaces provides relevant data to reconstruct the relative contributions of the five main hunted species (ungulates) to subsistence and technical activities, such as bone tool production. The ungulates were exploited in different ways, depending on species, transport strategies, and raw material needs. This article particularly focuses on the acquisition of raw material for making bone tools and its influence on the whole carcass treatment. The reconstruction of the total exploitation of animal resources thus addresses important issues in Maglemose socioeconomic organization.

Author Biography

Charlotte Leduc

UMR7041 – ArScAn/Archéologies Environnementales, Maison de l’Archéologie et de l’Ethnologie, 21, allée de l’Université, 92023 Nanterre Cedex, France


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How to Cite

Leduc, C. (2012). Ungulates exploitation for subsistence and raw material, during the Maglemose culture in Denmark: the example of Mullerup site (Sarauw’s Island) in Sjælland. Danish Journal of Archaeology, 1, 62–81. https://doi.org/10.1080/21662282.2012.760887



Research Article