Flexibility and diversity in subsistence during the late Mesolithic

faunal evidence from Asnæs Havnemark


  • Kenneth C. Ritchie
  • Kurt J. Gron
  • T. Douglas Price




Ertebølle, Mesolithic, fauna, isotopes, seasonality, coastal settlement, fish, dogs


In 2007, excavations at the late Mesolithic (Ertebølle) coastal site of Asnæs Havnemark recovered a wealth of flint, bone, and ceramic artefacts. A comprehensive analysis of the faunal remains resulted in over 50,000 identified specimens. Roe deer and gadids predominate, but there are a wide variety of other species represented. Stable isotope analyses of dog bones point to the importance of marine resources. Oxygen isotope analyses of otoliths indicate that fishing was conducted in multiple seasons of the year. Comparison with other late Mesolithic sites demonstrates that while generally the same species of animals were exploited everywhere, there are major differences in the relative abundances of species. The broad subsistence base available and flexibility in how it was exploited weaken arguments for a subsistence crisis brought on by environmental stresses as the causal mechanism for the adoption of domesticated plants and animals at the onset of the

Author Biographies

Kenneth C. Ritchie

Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology, Schloß Gottorf, D-24837 Schleswig, Germany

Kurt J. Gron

Department of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1180 Observatory Drive, 53705 Madison, WI, USA

T. Douglas Price

Department of Culture and Society (Materials, Culture and Heritage – Prehistoric Archaeology), Aarhus University, Campus Moesgård, Moesgård Allé, DK-8270 Højbjerg, Denmark


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How to Cite

Ritchie, K. C., Gron, K. J., & Price, T. D. (2014). Flexibility and diversity in subsistence during the late Mesolithic: faunal evidence from Asnæs Havnemark. Danish Journal of Archaeology, 2, 45–64. https://doi.org/10.1080/21662282.2013.821792



Research Article