First evidence of lime burning in southern Scandinavia

lime kilns found at the royal residence on the west bank of Lake Tissø


  • Peter Steen Henriksen
  • Sandie Holst



lime burning, lime kilns, whitewash, Viking Age, Iron Age, aristocracy, Tissø


In connection with investigations of the aristocratic residence at Tissø from the Viking Age, the earliest evidence so far of lime burning in Denmark has been excavated. The excavations unearthed traces of up to five lime kilns which were subsequently dated to the end of the ninth century. This corresponds well with the dating of the erection of the hall in the third construction phase at Fugledegård. Finds of mud-and-wattle with whitewashing show that the lime was used to whitewash the halls at Tissø in both the Germanic Iron Age and the Viking Age. Analyses of lime from the lime kilns and the whitewashed mud-and-wattle demonstrate that the raw material for the lime burning was mainly travertine deposited in spring water, but that bryozoan limestone was also used. The lime kilns were just under 2 m in diameter with stone-built edges, and there are indications that the superstructure may have been built up with clay. This resembles the corresponding parallel finds from the Iron Age in the German area.

Author Biographies

Peter Steen Henriksen

Department of Conservation and Science, Environmental Archaeology and Material Science, The National Museum of Denmark, Ny Vestergade 11, DK-1471 Copenhagen K, Denmark

Sandie Holst

Department of Research and Exhibitions, Ancient Cultures of Denmark and the Mediterranean, The National Museum of Denmark, Frederiksholms Kanal 12, DK-1220 Copenhagen K, Denmark


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How to Cite

Henriksen, P. S., & Holst, S. (2014). First evidence of lime burning in southern Scandinavia: lime kilns found at the royal residence on the west bank of Lake Tissø. Danish Journal of Archaeology, 3, 119–128.



Research Article