When did weaving become a male profession?


  • Ingvild Øye




Textile production, technology, weaving, gender roles, crafts, guilds, Middle Ages, Northwestern Europe


The article discusses the development and technological changes within weaving in the Middle Ages when it developed into a major craft and one of the most important industries of the Middle Ages in Northern Europe. While prehistoric weaving appears as a predominantly female work domain, weaving became a male profession in urban contexts, organised within guilds. Hence, it has almost become a dogma that the expanding medieval textile industry, and corresponding transition from a female to a male work domain, was caused by new technology – the horizontal treadle loom. By utilising various source categories, documentary, iconographic and archaeological evidence, the article substantiates that the conception of the medieval weaver as a male craftsman should be adjusted and the long-established dichotomy between male professional craftsmen and weavers, and women as homework producers of textiles should be modified, also when related to guilds. The change from a domestic household-based production to a more commercially based industry took place at different times and scales in various areas of Europe and did not only involve men.

Author Biography

Ingvild Øye

Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway


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How to Cite

Øye, I. (2016). When did weaving become a male profession?. Danish Journal of Archaeology, 5, 34–51. https://doi.org/10.1080/21662282.2016.1245970



Research Article