Late Iron Age longhouse chronology

A study aimed at constructing a formal house chronology for the Late Iron Age, based on selected localities in central and eastern Jutland


  • Stine Vestergaard Laursen
  • Mads Kähler Holst



Late Iron Age, settlement archaeology, chronology, correspondence analysis


This paper presents a formalised chronological study of the longhouses of the Late Iron Age. This is based on the correspondence analysis of data relating to house ground plans recorded at a number of Iron Age settlements in central and eastern Jutland, which, as a region, has the most comprehensive relevant data set, including many constructional details. The chronology constitutes a formalisation of the house-chronological considerations undertaken to date in reference to settlements in Jutland and results in a seriable sequence, the chronological significance of which is supported by stratigraphic observations. The study demonstrates that, in general, the investigated settlements follow the same chronological development and can therefore be correlated. Moreover, it shows that the placing of each individual house in the chronology is subject to some uncertainty, due to the relatively small number and long duration of the chronological features.

Author Biographies

Stine Vestergaard Laursen

Department of Archaeology, Moesgaard Museum, Højbjerg, Denmark

Mads Kähler Holst

Department of Archaeology, Moesgaard Museum, Højbjerg, Denmark


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Unpublished reports

FHM 5147 Hummelure. Stine Vestergaard Laursen, Moesgaard Museum.

FHM 4641 Hammel Storgård. Mads Ravn. Moesgaard Museum.

FHM 5433 Bendixminde 5. Rasmus Birch Iversen. Moesgaard Museum.

FHM 5608 Tjørnagergård. Julie Lolk. Moesgaard Museum

FHM 4845 Ingerslevvej. Susanne Nissen Gram. Moesgaard Museum.

FHM 4792 Kirstinelund. Poul Nissen. Moesgaard Museum.

FHM 5516 Haldum Urebro II. Julie Lolk. Moesgaard Museum.




How to Cite

Laursen, S. V., & Holst, M. K. (2017). Late Iron Age longhouse chronology: A study aimed at constructing a formal house chronology for the Late Iron Age, based on selected localities in central and eastern Jutland. Danish Journal of Archaeology, 6, 11–30.



Research Article