Wiggle-match dating the fortification of Køge





Wiggle-match dating, fortification, medieval, renaissance, Køge


During archaeological fieldwork in the eastern part of the coastal city of Køge, situated on the east coast of the island of Zealand (Sjælland) in Denmark, remains of a rampart were found and, due to the lack of suitable material for dating via the more traditional dendrochronology, wiggle-match dating was conducted. This article aims at presenting the method used and discussing the result it provides for medieval and renaissance archaeology, in situations where there is an absence of dateable dendro-samples or for dating of non-oak samples.

Having unearthed the rampart remains, a major objective of the excavation became answering the question: Are the ramparts found those that were built during the short Swedish occupation of the town in 1658? And, could the C14 dating method provide us with a sufficient level of precision to answer this question? The results show that the ramparts found belonged to the medieval fortification of the town and have a long history of renewal and repair, allowing us to map the long life of the town despite the limitations of the small ‘key-hole’ style excavations. Applying this method more extensively on small-wood remains will perhaps help us to finally identify that elusive Swedish fortification.

Author Biographies

Aoife Daly

Dendro.dk, Copenhagen, Denmark;

Saxo Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark;

Karen Bork-Pedersen

Cultural heritage, Museum Southeast Denmark, Vordingborg, Denmark


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How to Cite

Daly, A., & Bork-Pedersen, K. (2018). Wiggle-match dating the fortification of Køge. Danish Journal of Archaeology, 7, 277–290. https://doi.org/10.1080/21662282.2018.1551980



Research Article