Literatura digital para el fin del mundo

ecología y algoritmos en el Capitaloceno


  • Alex Saum-Pascual University of California Berkeley



algorithms, capitalocene, ecology, environmental studies, digital literature


This essay examines the relationship between digital technologies and climate damage, looking at a selection of works of digital literature that expose their entanglement within material networks of mineral extraction and energy consumption. It argues that the modern dichotomous framework that separates humans from nature has propelled the evolution of digital technologies, paving the way to contemporary globalization. Using the Capitalocene (Moore) as alternative periodization, I analyze the work of 8 digital artists from the Latin American diaspora and Spain who challenge the virtual/material and human/nature divisions and defend, instead, a posthumanist ethical relationship with nature (Braidotti, Haraway, Hayles). Finally, from this environmental perspective, I argue that digital literature’s planetary impact situates it at the center of any transatlantic studies discussion.


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2022-12-19 — Updated on 2022-12-20


How to Cite

Saum-Pascual, A. (2022). Literatura digital para el fin del mundo : ecología y algoritmos en el Capitaloceno. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 31, 93–109. (Original work published December 19, 2022)