Leonardo da Vinci
Et utrykt essay af Sophus Claussen
Editionsfilologi, LitteraturAbstract
This paper presents a hitherto unpublished essay by the Danish symbolist poet Sophus Claussen (1865-1931). The essay entitled ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ was intended for the collection Løvetandsfnug (‘dandelion fluff’), 1918, but was for unknown reasons omitted in the final edition. In the essay, Claussen recalls when, at the Uffizi Gallery in Florence in 1902–03, he saw a painting (perhaps by Leonardo da Vinci) depicting the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary. At the time, the Virgin Mary of the painting reminded Claussen of a young Danish girl with whom he had been hopelessly in love some ten years prior. The remembrance of this past experience, at the time of writing the essay in early or mid 1918, causes him to contemplate not only the artistic method of Leonardo, but also, more generally, the relationship between chastity and lust, nature and imitation, and art and science. ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ has never been described in the secondary sources on Claussen’s work. It is, however, arguably both interesting and exemplary for its dual role as both a biographical and poetological lead in his essays and in his oeuvre as a whole.
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Claussen, Sophus: Foraarstaler, Gyldendal, 1927
Claussen, Sophus: Heroica. Sophus Claussens Lyrik VI, v. Jørgen Hunosøe, Gyldendal, 1983
Claussen, Sophus: Løvetandsfnug, Gyldendal, 1918
Frandsen, Ernst: Sophus Claussen, bind 1-2, Gyldendal, 1950
Henriksen, Aage: »Pavens Madonna«, Det guddommelig barn og andre essays om Karen Blixen, Gyldendal, 1965, s. 105-148
Jørgensen, Bo Hakon og Jan Sand Sørensen: Sophus Claussen. En studiebog, Gyldendal, 1977
Rigoni, Cesare: Catalogo della R. Galleria degli Uffizi in Firenze, Tip. Cooperativa, 1891
Ringgaard, Dan: Den poetiske lækage. Sophus Claussens lyrik, rejsebøger og essayistik, Museum Tusculanums Forlag, 2000
Sørensen, Peer E.: »Mellem konfession, autobiografi og roman – en prismatisk fortælling«, Povl Schmidt m.fl. (red): Læsninger i dansk litteratur, bind 1-5, Odense Universitetsforlag, 1998, bind 1, s. 245-261
Zeruneith, Keld: Fra klodens værksted. En biografi om Sophus Claussen, Gyldendal, 1992
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