Ewalds Felix culpa


  • Erik M. Christensen


In an alexandrine verse drama, Adam og Ewa (1769), a “felix culpa” rendering of the Fall, its plot culminating in a heavenly display of golden letters of John 3:16 as well as showcasing other very notable features in common with the so-called Simultaneous Theater of the Middle Ages, Danish Johannes Ewald (1743-81) presents a further unique, ultracosmic perspective. In a strikingly original interpretation of the Fall, Ewald lets his readers understand that Adam is a first appearance of the Saviour figure, in his freely chosen Fall accepting his own death out of love for Ewa, thereby apparently causing radical change in Heaven and he himself quoting Jesus’ last words on the cross in his reply to God’s calling him forth after the Fall: “Where art thou?” – “In thy hands” (Gen 3:9 with Luke 23:46). Man, a carrier of God’s All-Goodness.


Adam og Ewa citeres efter nedenstående udgave af Ewalds samlede skrifter, bd. 1 (1914 og 1967), med angivelse af udgavens side-, og efter skråstreg / dens linjetælling. – Stykkets regiangivelser gengives i kursiv. Der henvises til prisafhandlingen om stykket (1960/2011) ved sidetal (uden foransat s.) med bind-tallet 1, 2 eller 3 foransat; ved sidetal (med foransat pag.) når der citeres af bedømmelsen 1961, som er aftrykt med forlæggets egne sidetal i afhandlingens bd. 3.

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Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (www.wikipedia.org – English), art. »felix culpa« læst marts 2014.





Christensen, E. M. (2024). Ewalds Felix culpa. Danske Studier, (2014), 270–279. Abgerufen von https://tidsskrift.dk/danskestudier/article/view/146918



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