Layoutet i danske lovhåndskrifter fra 1250 til 1500


  • Anne Ladefoged


Layout, Lovhåndskrifter, Middelalder


With this article, the aim is to demonstrate which knowledge can be deduced about manuscripts, their production and function, by examination of their graphical expression in the form of layout. The background for this is an analysis of the layout of 92 Danish law manuscripts dated between 1250 and 1500, which is done with the intent of uncovering what kind of graphical conventions are used within this specific genre, how these develop, and what effect they have for the reception of the manuscripts. Focus within this analysis is especially on the connection between the physical form of a manuscript, this includes layout, and the intended function of the manuscript which also forms the terms of production.


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Ladefoged, A. (2024). Layoutet i danske lovhåndskrifter fra 1250 til 1500. Danske Studier, (2017), 101–114. Abgerufen von


