Keramikken fra Barmer


  • Jan Kock


The pottery from Barmer
By Jan Kock

Considerable pottery has been found in and around kilns I and II, all made of fine, sand-tempered clay. Almost all the pottery is coil built and pressed up. The main forms are bowls with a rounded body and base and out-bent rims, bowls with strongly profiled rims and shoulders, bowls with in-bent openings, pots with a rounded body and base, smaller pots, also with a rounded body and base, and finally, a small number of jugs. All the pottery is greyish brown to grey, sand-tempered ware and fired to varied degrees of hardness. Everything indicates that it was intended to produce fairly hard-fired, reduction-fired ware. The C-14-dating and the occurrence of very similar vessels from a nearby castle mound whose construction can be dendrochronologically dated to the last quarter of the 14th century allow for a clear dating of when the Barmer potter was active. A comparative analysis of the clay used for the pottery from the two places is exactly the same and this qualifies the dating. The analysis was made by Kaare Lund Rasmussen.


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–:Provenance of ceramics revealed by magnetic susceptibility and thermoluminescence. Accepted for publication in Journal of Archaeological Science.




How to Cite

Kock, J. (2001). Keramikken fra Barmer. Hikuin, 28(28), 99. Retrieved from