Middelalderlige pottemagerovne og pottemagerier i Danmark – en optakt


  • Jan Kock


Medieval potters’ kilns and pottery in Denmark – a prelude
By Jan Kock

Based on a brief presentation of the kilns found at Hellum, Kragelund and Barmer, as well as the finds from Fredsø, Radby, Lindholtgård and the older finds from Farum Lillevang and Faurholm, the kilns are placed in a European context which is explored more thoroughly in the following articles. In addition, the publication discusses the value of the ethnological and ethnographic parallels and of the experimental archaeology tests carried out. One section is dedicated to finds of waster heaps from the potter’s production. See also the articles on the finds of waster heaps from Aale and Illerup. Such finds augment the picture we already have of the work of potters in this country. In addition, the publication discusses the value of the ceramic material found in the kilns, material which in the future will serve as points of orientation for the study of Danish medieval pottery, both typologically and chronologically.


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How to Cite

Kock, J. (2001). Middelalderlige pottemagerovne og pottemagerier i Danmark – en optakt. Hikuin, 28(28), 11. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/Hikuin/article/view/111311