Fyra oidentifierade mansben i Skara – en dödlig performance


  • Ingalill Pegelow


Four unidentified men´s legs at Skara – a fatal performance
By Ingalill Pegelow

Skara Cathedral owns, among other things, four reliefs from the Romanesque period, recovered when digging in the ground outside its north portal in 1891. There seems to be no iconographic connection between the four, which are now placed inside the cathedral. One of them is fragmentary and shows only four male legs turned the same way (fig. 1). The two in front seem to ”stand on tiptoe, or jump, or hang loose” as Jan Svanberg writes in his latest book, Medieval Stone sculpture in Västergötland. He is of the opinion that it is impossible to give a close identification of the picture – here an attempt at such an identification will nevertheless be made. In Samuel´s second book (ch 13-18) it is related how King David´s son Absalom, in addition to having killed Amnon, another of David´s sons, conspired against his father and tried to cast him out from power. He then had to flee and was pursued by David´s general Joab. When Absalom came to a terebinth his hair stuck in it and he was left hanging while his mule trotted away. Joab had followed Absalom´s track and now killed him with three spears. This is probably the episode that is shown in the Skara relief even if only the legs of the two involved are visible. But that the
foremost two legs are hanging is clearly seen. There are similar representations in many European manuscripts (fig. 4-8) but also on a capital in the basilica at Vézelay, France (fig. 3) and in a mural painting from 1595 in the chapel of Aspnäs Manor in Uppland (fig. 8).


Bible moralisée. Codex Vindobonensis 2554. Vienna. Österreichisches Nationalbibliothek, Manuscripts in Miniature 1995.
Biblia Pauperum. Facsimile-Reproduction von A. Einsle, Wien/ Pest/Leipzig 1898.
Biblia Pauperum. 50 Darstellungen. Herausgeb. von P. Heitz und W. L. Schreiber, Strassburg 1903.
Biblia Pauperum. Billedbibelen fra Middelalderen. Med indledning og oversættelse af Knud Banning, København 1991.
Cardon, Bert, Robrecht Lievens & Maurits Smeyers: ”Typologische taferelen uit het leven van Jezus”, Corpus van verluchte Handschriften uit de Nederlanden of illuminated Manuscripts from the low countries, Leuven 1985.
Christherrechronik (Vu 74a). Handskrift från Bayern. 1400-talet. Nu i Kungliga Biblioteket, Stockholm.
De Rijmbijbel van Jacob van Maerlant: een in 1332 voltooid handschrift uit het Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westre enianum, 1985.
Ginzberg, Louis: The Legends of the jews, IV, Philadelphia 1913. (6:e upplaga 1954).
Hindman, Sandra: ”Text and image in Fifteenth-Century illustrated Dutch Bibles”, Verzameling van middelnederlandske Bijbelteksten Miscellanea. Deel 1, Leiden 1977.
Mazal, Otto: Der Baum: ein Symbol des Lebens in der Buchmalerei, Graz 1988.
Pegelow, Ingalill: Gammaltestamentliga berättelser i ord och bild, Stockholm 2009.
Svanberg, Jan: Västergötlands medeltida stenskulptur, Stockholm 2011.
Wenningsted-Torgard, Susanne: ”Kristi død på korset – Absaloms død i træet” Det iconographiske blik. Festskrift til Ulla Haastrup, København 1993.
Wideen, Harald: Skara domkyrka. Kort historik och vägledning, Skara 1961.




How to Cite

Pegelow, I. (2017). Fyra oidentifierade mansben i Skara – en dödlig performance. Hikuin, 40(40), 109. Retrieved from https://tidsskrift.dk/Hikuin/article/view/109889