En nydatering af domkirken i Børglum – og hvad deraf følger
A new dating of the Cathedral of Børglum – and what it means
By Hans Krongaard Kristensen
The dating of the building phases in the cathedral of Børglum have until now been wrongly interpreted and dated. The eastern part with the transept, prespyterium, apse and the transept chapels have because of false understanding of a letter been dated to the period after 120 and therefore seen as an old-fashioned building. Today we can se that this part of the cathedral have been an example for a group of small brickbuilded churches in the surrounding among which one (namely Bindslev) has been dendrodated to 1190. The building of the cathedral was probably started in the 1170’ies. The basilican nave has former been interpreted as constructed in two separated phases: in the late 13th century and around 1500. This article demonstrates that there have been only one building phase about the middle of the 15th century, perhaps with a short stop. The form of the special vaults in the nave can be found in many of the parish churches in Vendsyssel, among which one vault in the church of Jetsmark can be dated to 1474. Therefore the vaulting in Børglum surely must be older. The new investigations in Børglum and the new dating have clearly shown the cathedral as model for the surrounding churches and not as an isolated monument as former believed.
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