From Desk to Field

Early Career Observations from Contract Archaeology in Denmar


  • Maria Diget Sletterød Københavns Universitet
  • Mx. Anna Silberg Poulsen Københavns Universitet


We have invited our two editors, Maria and Anna, who currently work in contract archaeology to elaborate on their experiences of how it is to transition from studying to working, and what it is like to work in Denmark as an archaeologist who has graduated from TORS.  It is a product of our experiences, and neither of us have many years of field experience, but we do know what it is like to be new in the field of contract archaeology.  The essay is structured like a Q & A session as we felt that was the best way to address the concerns, we had ourselves when we started, as well as a few submitted questions.


Recommended reading:

Beiter, E. L. & Sauer, N. 2023: Indiana Jones-Komplekset. Weekendavisen.

Thomsen, S. T. 2023: Arkæologer er nutidens daglejere. Akademikerbladet.

Savin, S. 2024: Pludselig sagde ledelsen ja til at fastansætte alle arkæologer: decideret banebrydene. Akademikerbladet

Savin, S. 2024. 4 gode råd: sådan fik vi fastansat alle arkæologer. Akademikerbladet

Sauer, N. 2023: Kvindefald i den danske arkæologiske forskningsværden. Arkæologisk forum, vol. 49


Yderligere filer


2024-05-24 — Opdateret d. 2024-05-29



Diget Sletterød, M. og Silberg Poulsen, A. (2024) “From Desk to Field: Early Career Observations from Contract Archaeology in Denmar”, Chronolog, 2(2), s. 60–74. Tilgængelig hos: (Set: 29 juni 2024).