
  • Chronolog
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

    We are proud to present the first issue of Chronolog Journal!

    Chronolog Journal was founded by four students from the University of Copenhagen enrolled in the Ancient Near East studies, which covers the culture and archaeology of Southwest Asia and Northeast Africa, at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (CCRS). The four students believed that the students at the institute should have the possibility to publish their first scientific article in a journal which was geared towards students. The founders decided that all articles needed to be peer-reviewed to support the students in writing academic articles, while also introducing them to the publication process. It was equally important that the articles would be accessible to a broad audience through Open-Access, so the articles produced by the students can reach as widely as possible, including potential collaboration partners. The group quickly grew to form the editorial board of four students, two of which are still on the board.

    From the beginning, the journal focused on students from CCRS, but since we also wanted an international approach, we have broadened the focus to also include recent graduates and students who have a close working relationship with UCPH, such as exchange students, students participating in the Berlin-Copenhagen Seminar, or presenting at the Egyptological-Assyriological Conference in Copenhagen (EACC, formerly EEC). Although Chronolog will normally be published on an annual basis, we will in special cases publish issues in relation to larger conferences or centred around specific themes.

    This issue of Chronolog Journal is created by the current team of editors, all graduates from CCRS, supported by our Editor-in-Chief, our Senior Advisory board, but most importantly our Student Advisory board, who ensure that the journal meets the needs of the students. The connection to the students is the most important relation we have, and therefore, the editor team will change on a running basis to allow students to take their place in the team.

    In 2021 and 2022, despite lockdowns due to Covid, Chronolog held 5 workshops to support the students in the endeavour to write their articles. These workshops included the nitty-gritty of writing an article, how to deal with the copy-right issues for illustrations, and how to make a scientific poster. Our plan is to repeat these regularly and to also add a very important subject: How to apply for funding for research stays abroad. Together the workshops will provide a good introduction to both writing an article for Chronolog Journal as well as life as a scientific researcher.

    We hope you will enjoy reading it, and if you have suggestions or ideas, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    The editors of Chronolog

    Anna Poulsen, Maria Diget Sletterød, Anne Drewsen, and Mathilde Sehested Thormann

  • Front cover of issue 2, at the top of the image is the titel 2, 2024, Chronolog - archaeology, assyrology and egyptology, in black on a ligth bluish purple background. At the center is a white frog vessel with small holes, some still filled with lapis lazuli. Below is two outstreched vulture wings centered around a circle with a 2 in the middle. enter.

    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)

    We are proud to present the second issue of Chronolog Journal!

    As with the first issue of Chronolog, it contains a wealth of information
    for students and newly graduates: three peer reviewed papers,
    an essay about field archaeology, tips for grant writing, as well
    as the editors’ conference recommendations, and spotlights - this
    time not on students and graduates but our professors!
    The three peer reviewed papers cover vastly different topics, geographical
    regions and periods, it encompasses the different regions
    and kinds of studies carried out at CCRS (ToRS), from the large picture
    using cutting edge scientific techniques, to material studies, to
    the textual historical research. All of them providing us with a deeper understanding
    of the human past in Southwest Asia and Egypt.

    We hope you enjoy reading our second issue.

    Kind regards,
    The editors of Chronolog
    Anna Silberg Poulsen, Maria Diget Sletterød, and Anne Drewsen