Everyday Activism and Resistance by Minority Women in Denmark
Marginality, Resistance, Counternarrative, Minority women, DenmarkResumé
Stereotypes of minority women, and in particular Muslim women, are being used to push certain groups to the margins of Danish society, both discursively and geographically. Focusing on two case studies working in the social periphery, Andromeda, 8220 and Kvinder i Dialog, this article illuminates how the same stereotypes are used in the production of counternarratives that resist stigma and divisive policies. Despite the media attention that the new laws in Denmark such as “ghetto” reforms and masking ban have received, less attention has been paid to examples of resistance and the fight for political subjectivity. By further developing and employing postcolonial and feminist theory in a Danish context, this article addresses this gap and embarks on an analysis of minority women’s cultural activism against homogenization.
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