
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Length
    • Articles must not surpass 6,000 words.
    • Commentaries must not surpass 3,000 words.
    • Review essays must not surpass 3,000 words.
    • Book reviews must not surpass 1,600 words.
    • The length can always be further negotiated with the editors.
  • Submitted articles should be accompanied by the following information: 
    • A suggestion for an introductory paragraph (3-5 lines)
    • An abstract in English (100-150 words)
    • Information about the author

    Submitted review essays should be accompanied by the following information:

    • Information about the book: Author of the book, year of publication, publication house, place of printing, number of pages and price of the book.
    • Review essays should be provided with a title and subheadings (in one level) that can help the reader navigate the argument.
  • References.

    • Politik uses the Harvard style of referencing (see below).

    • If references in the in the reference list has a DOI available it should be included (see below).

Author Guidelines


We gladly accept any suggestions for future publications. Articles published in Politik are placed either in the section ‘Theme’ or the section ‘Articles’ by editorial decision.

Articles for Politik should contribute with an academic, clearly communicated, and in a broad sense politically relevant argument.

Articles for Politik should communicate an academic argument for the reader who is not necessarily familiar with the specific and specialized academic debate in question.

All articles are subject to anonymous peer-review by the referee panel of the journal. Articles must not have been published elsewhere prior to the submission.

Review Essays and Book Reviews

In each issue, Politik publishes the section ‘Books’, which functions as a critical and professionally, highly qualified bibliographical service for our readers. Here, a number of short book reviews and a few lengthy review essays about social academic publications are published. 

A book review is a service, which briefly and accurately should communicate the main focus of a book, its main argument, its theoretical approach, and the subject or case it discusses. Additionally, the review should critically evaluate whether the author meets the objectives set by him-/herself, provides an independent and original contribution, omits important aspects of the topic and altogether manages to provide a well-written and convincing argument.

A review essay should consider a number of books, which either treat the same topic or all contribute to the same debate or field of research. The extra amount of space taken up by a review essay must be justified – that is to say that the writer must argue convincingly for the ability of the books or specific composition of books under consideration to make a difference in a debate or even start an entirely new debate. A review essay is not required to be an article with an originally research based argument, but it must not merely give an account of the book and a retrospective literature review.

Contributions to Politik must not have been published elsewhere prior to the submission.


Politik accepts articles in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, and articles in English upon prior agreement with the editors. 

Politik reserves the right to edit submitted material.

The author and Politik share the copyrights to material published in Politik.


Politik use the Harvard style of referencing. References should be listed in the text with surname, year and page number if necessary. E.g. “… (Bull 1977)” or – where appropriate – only with the year in brackets: “… Bull (1977)”. Comma is used when page number is specified: “(Bull 1977, 87)”.

The bibliography is listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order using the following templates:

Books with one author:

  • Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title. Edition. (Only include the edition if it is not the first edition) City published: Publisher.
  • Bull, H. (1995 [1977]), The Anarchical Society: A study of Order in World Politics, 2nd  ed. London: Macmillan.
  • Note the square brackets around the publication year for original editions. These are used when referring to later editions and translations.

Chapters in edited books

  • Last name, First initial. (Year published). Chapter title. In: First initial. Last name, ed., Book Title, Edition.* City: Publisher, Page(s).
  • * When citing a chapter in an edited book, the edition is displayed, even when it is the first edition.
  • Mitrany, D. (1975). ’Prospects of Integration: Federal or Functional?. In: AJR. Groom & P Taylor, ed., Functionalism: theory and practice in international relations, 1st ed. London: University of London Press, pp. 119-149.

Print Journal Articles

  • Last name, First initial. (Year published). Article title. Journal, Volume (Issue), Page(s).
  • Smolar, A. (1996). From Opposition to Atomization. Journal of Democracy, vol. 7(1), pp. 263-277.

Furthermore, if the DOI number is available for the object in question (article, book, chapter, etc.) it should be included in the reference: 

For more information about the Harvard system see: or Snooks & Co. 2002, Style Manual , 6. edn., John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld.

Additional Information

The use of ibid should be avoided. Double quotation marks (“) should only be used for quotations and single quotation marks (‘) should be used elsewhere (e.g. for technical terms). Single quotation marks should be used for quotations within quotations.

Notes should be written as footnotes (1, 2, 3…). Book reviews should not contain notes.

Articles written in Danish should make use of the grammatical comma.

Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format. Please see the author template for articles:

Every kind of author identifying information must be removed prior to submission. Name of author and contact information must be attached in a separate file.

Suggestions for articles must be submitted in a Word format by e-mail to Christian F. Rostbøll ( Agreements about review, essays and book reviews should be made with Tobias Liebetrau (

Guidelines for publication of statistical models in Politik

Authors should report quantitative studies in a manner that allows for readers without particular quantitative prerequisites to understand them. Politik has a diverse readership. Important coefficients should be interpreted in order for them to be understood by the reader. In other words, there must be a clear link between the content of the tables and an interpretation in the text.

The following list states the reporting of statistical models in Politik. The list states the minimum requirements, and authors are therefore very welcome to add further elements to the report (e.g. standardized coefficients or supplementary fit-values). 

  1. Report unstandardized coefficients with standard errors in parenthesis. ‘The constant’ is reported after all beta coefficients.
  2. Use ‘**’ to denote all coefficients significant at 1% level and ‘*’ for coefficients significant at 5% level. Use ‘†’ for 10% level.
  3. Report in the following order for all models: ‘Observations/n’, ‘F-test’ and ‘Adjusted R2’ for linear models. And ‘Number of observations/n’, ‘Log-likelihood’, ‘Chi2-test for Log-likelihood’ and ‘McFadden Pseudo R2’ for logit models and the like.
  4. As far as possible, round off all numbers to two decimals. Insofar as it makes sense to do so, please scale variables.
  5. Always use self-explanatory descriptions of variables and never variable names from the data file in the report.
  6. Try (wherever possible) to collect all models in one table with several columns.

An example of a report of a linear model:

Table 1: Regression analysis (OLS) of gross operating costs per inhabitant


Model 1

Gross operating costs pr. inhabitant

Cost per inhabitant


Tax base per inhabitant















Adjusted R2












Guidelines for book reviews to Politik

The review should provide an introduction to the book thorough enough for the reader to understand the argument and the frame of the argument: What field of literature or empirical problem does the argument relate to? This introduction should obviously be brief and accurate, but it also should be emphasized that Politik attaches great importance to instructive book reviews. In addition hereto, Politik appreciates an old-fashioned judgement of taste: Is the argument of the book convincing (why/why not), is the account clear, well-structured and -arranged; is the book, all things considered, worth the effort?

In addition hereto, the following requirements apply:

  • The title of the review should not be identical to the title of the book.
  • The following information should be listed beneath the title (but before the review): The author of the book, year of publication, publishing house, number of pages and price.

Author, year


Publishing house, city.

Number of pages, price in DKK.

The book review may not surpass 1,600 words.

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