About the Journal

The journal ceased publication in 2018 and is no longer published.

Focus and Scope

The scope of UCPH Nanoscience – a student research journal is to document the breadths of research performed by students at the Nano-Science Center at the University of Copenhagen. This is accomplished by publishing all bachelor theses submitted to obtain a bachelor degree in nanoscience. Each volume of the journal will contain up to four issues, and will be published online at:     tidsskrift.dk/index.php/NanoVidenskabKU
The journal is not indexed or included in any abstract services. The papers may only be cited as opinion pieces, bachelor theses, and reports.

Target audience

Current, past and prospective students of nanoscience and the related disciplines, and the faculty of the Nano-Science Center, University of Copenhagen.


The main contribution will come through the submission of all bachelor theses as articles in this journal. ‘Forskningspraktik’ research trainee reports is also a source of interesting material for the journal. All theses and reports must be written in the supplied templates (Word/LaTeX) and adheres to a strict page limit, supporting information may be included. For each report, a short summary is written by the editorial staff. The summary will feature a photo of the student.

Students are encouraged to submit research articles written as part of their course work to the journal. Shorter letters, full papers, and reviews will be included in the journal as papers

Submitting of opinion pieces and relevant News & Views items are encouraged from students and faculty at the Nano-Science Center.


Each issue will contain:

  • Masthead
  • Editorial
  • Table of content
  • News & Views
  • Papers
  • Theses
  • Reports

The Papers and Reports sections will only be included if contributions have been received.

Peer Review Process

The journal serves as a repository. The editors consider the quality of the submitted papers and the tone of the opinion pieces. Reports and thesis are submitted for examination and is published as is. There is no peer review on the theses and reports.

The student journal of the Nano-Science Center

UCPH Nanoscience is not a peer reviewed journal, it is a journal that published opinion pieces and news from the Nano-Science Center and serves as a repository for student research performed as part of the Nanoscience degree programme at the University of Copenhagen.