How to use NAA

The basic division of the abstracts is chronological, and within each period they are grouped according to subject. The classification codes - periods 1-11 and the subjects A-L - are explained in the abstracts section finder, also indicating the first abstract number in each section. The codes and the subject index help the reader to skim the booklet.

The classification code of the section is attached to each abstract and furthermore codes are given for subsidiary topics treated in the papers. References are given for articles dealing with more than one period in a cross reference guide. The indexes will help the reader to find papers by a certain author or on a certain region or important site - see Index of authors and scholars and Site index. Most important for finding relevant papers is, however, the Subject index,

After the code, the nationality of the topic is indicated. Within the section the abstracts are arranged according to the initials of the author; for alphabetization see the introduction to the index of authors and scholars.

The abstract reference number comprises two elements: the annual number of NAA and a serial number, starting from 1 each year.

The original tide is set in semi-bold type, followed by a translation in parenthesis. For the sake of consistency, all titles are written with small letters, regardless of the original orthography.

The full bibliographical information is given either in the abstract heading or in one of the two lists at the end of the volume. The first list comprises periodicals and irregular serials mentioned in this volume; the other list contains collective works, Festschrifts, etc., the titles of which are followed by an asterix* in the abstract heading.

The abstracts are always signed: (Au) = author's abstract, (Au, abbr) author's abstract abbreviated, (Au/editor's initials) = author's abstract adapted by editor, (editor's initials) = editor's abstract; see back cover for full names.