abbr abbreviated
ADP automatic data proces
Au Author/Authors
BA Bronze Age
Belg Belgian/Belgium
C century
cal. calibrated
CeltIA Celtic Iron Age
conv. conventional
Dan/Den Danish/Denmark
DKNVS Det kgl. norske videnskabers selskab
E East
EN Early Neolithic
Engl English
Est Estonian/Estonia
Far Faroese/the Faroe Islands
Finn/Fin Finnish/Finland
Fr French/France
GB British/Great Britain
Ger German/Germany
GerIA Germanic Iron Age
Greenl Greenland
IA Iron Age
Icel Icelandic/Iceland
Kar Karelian/Karelia
KVHAA Kungl. Vitterhets historie och antikvitets akademien
Lat Latvian/Latvia
Lith Lithuanian/Lithuania
LN Late Neolithic
m a.s.l. m above sea level
Med Medieval Period
Mes Mesolithic
MN Middle Neolithic
N North
Neo Neolithic
Nord Nordic
Norw Norwegian/Norway
Pal Palaeolithic
PM Post-Medieval Period
Pol Polish/Poland
PWC Pitted Ware culture
RAÄ Riksantikvarieämbetet (The Central Board of National Antiquities)
RomIA Roman Iron Age
Russ Russian/Russia
S South
SA Stone Age
Scand Scandinavian/Scandinavia
Sov Soviet
Summ Summary
Sw Swedish/Sweden
TRB Funnel Beaker culture
Vik Viking Age
W West
Ål Ålandish/Ålandic Islands
* For bibliograph information see list of Collective Works, Festschrifts, Series, Symposia, etc.