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Collaborative domestication

How patients use and experience video consultations with their general practitioner




Digital health, video consultations, collaborative domestication, qualitative approach, doctor-patient communication



Author Biographies

Elle Christine Lüchau, University of Southern Denmark

Elle Christine Lüchau, Master of Arts, research assistant at the University of Southern Denmark, Media Sciences, Department for the Study of Culture, She carries out research into video consultations.

Anette Grønning, University of Southern Denmark

Anette Grønning, PhD, associate professor of Communication at the University of Southern Denmark, Media Sciences, Department for the Study of Culture, She carries out research into identity, social presence and roletaking in online communication. Since 2003, She has worked with online communication in different domains (public, private and commercial), in particular with email and chat interaction.


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How to Cite

Lüchau, E. C., & Grønning, A. (2021). Collaborative domestication: How patients use and experience video consultations with their general practitioner. MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 37(71), 224–244.



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