About the Journal
Focus and Scope
MedieKultur is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal published by SMiD (Association of media and communication researchers in Denmark). The aim of MedieKultur is to contribute to critical reflection and the development of theories and methods within media and communication research. MedieKultur publishes works of relevance to the community of researchers in Denmark exploring media and communication in political, economic, cultural, historic, aesthetic and social contexts. MedieKultur does not represent particular theories or methods, but rather focuses on innovative perspectives and clear argumentation. MedieKultur publishes theme issues with the aim of bringing Danish and international media and communication research into dialogue. Accordingly, MedieKultur is a publication forum for Danish and international researchers, and papers as well as reviews of relevant contributions (books, blogs, websites and the like) can be submitted written in English, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. The journal addresses students, educators and researchers at relevant educational and research institutions as well as individuals working in the media business.
Peer Review Process
Articles published in MedieKultur are submitted to a double-blind peer review procedure. The editors of each issue moderate and supervise the review process, and authors are able to follow each step of it.
Peer reviewers are given approximately four weeks to complete the review.
Peer reviewers are asked to give their opinion on a number of issues pertinent to the scientific and formal aspects of a paper, and to judge the papers on grounds on originality and relevance.
Peer reviewers are asked to answer the following questions:
- Is the paper original and relevant for the research area?
- Is the argumentation convincing and coherent?
- Is the paper well structured?
- Is the scholarship sound?
- Are the formalities in order?
Peer reviewers will have four possible options for recommendations:
- Accept (no need for revision)
- Revisions required (accepted if the author makes the requested revisions)
- Resubmit for review (the paper will be sent for another peer review round)
- Decline manuscript
Paper may also be rejected directly by the editors if judged to be out of scope, sub-standard or does not adhere to the author guidelines.
Publication Frequency
MedieKultur is published twice a year during spring and autumn.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
MedieKultur does not take any charge for submission, reveiw or publishing of articles. Due to this policy we do not need to define a waiver policy.
MedieKultur is (co)published by SMID - The Association of Media and Communication Researchers in Denmark and is hosted by the The Royal Danish Library.
The articles are stored via The National Danish Webarchive and backup services of The Royal Danish Library.
Sources of Support
The digitization and online availability of the complete backfiles of Massekultur & Medier and MedieKultur (1981-2007) was carried out with funds from Lillian and Dan Finks Fond.