Skrift vs. tale på internettet: Et argument for en interaktionelt fokuseret tilgang til skriftlige samtaler på Facebook


  • Maria Jørgensen Aarhus Universitet


samtaleanalyse, computermedieret kommunikation, samtalegrammatik, interaktion


This article is centered around the discussion on the relationship between spoken and written
language in online written discourse, which it investigates from the perspective of interactional
grammar (“samtalegrammatik”). The purpose of the article is to highlight certain shortcomings in
the discussion as it has played out so far and to argue for a different approach to it, inspired by
conversation analysis.
After an introduction to the discussion, a CA-inspired analysis of a phenomenon of oral
interactional grammar, namely questions in the declarative used in threads in two Facebook
groups, is presented. It is concluded that using the method is possible and that the phenomenon
investigated works in the same way on Facebook as it does in oral interaction. The article discusses
what perspectives these findings give on the discussion on the relationship between speech and
writing in online written discourse.
Finally, it is recommended that more investigations of this sort are conducted, among other things
to refine the method and to further investigate what insights it can provide on the relationship
between spoken and written language online.


Maria Jørgensen, Aarhus Universitet

Maria Jørgensen er nyslået kandidat i lingvistik fra Aarhus Universitet. Hun er mangeårigt medlem af AU-forskningsgruppen DanTIN, der undersøger dansk samtalegrammatik. Ud over samtaler er en af hendes store faglige interesser forskellige former for interaktion på internettet.


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Jørgensen, M. (2017). Skrift vs. tale på internettet: Et argument for en interaktionelt fokuseret tilgang til skriftlige samtaler på Facebook. Journal of Language Works - Sprogvidenskabeligt Studentertidsskrift, 2(2), 5–18. Hentet fra


