About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Language Works is a journal of linguistics publishing papers written by BA and MA students at Danish universities. The journal publishes papers covering the entire field of language and linguistics, not only from students of Linguistics but also from a wide range of other subjects dealing with language studies.

Language Works aims to be a good outlet for first-time authors and researchers in spe who wish to disseminate their work to other students as well as researchers at all levels. A paper will typically be based on a good term paper which the author rewrites to journal paper format based on the guidelines of the journal. Papers can be written in English, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian.

Submitted paper proposals will be evaluated by the editors. If the paper is within the scope of the journal and of acceptable academic and rhetorical standard, it will be peer-reviewed by at least one of the editors and/or by researchers within the appropriate field. Reviewers will show consideration for the academic level of the authors.

Peer Review Process

Papers will be reviewed by an academically competent reviewer (typically a university researcher) as a guarantee of the scientific quality and to help producing a suitably clear and concise presentation. We encourage the author and reviewer to enter into a dialogue about criticism and comments.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics University of Copenhagen
School of Communication and Culture Aarhus University
Department of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark.

Journal History

Founded in 2015 as a collaboration between the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen and the School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University.