Yggdrasill. The world Tree


  • Steen Hvass




Yggdrasil, Johannes brøndsted, the world tree



The World Tree

At the centenary of the birth of Johannes Brøndsted there is good reason for recognizing his efforts to make Danish archaeology take a giant leap forward by creating a close cooperation between University and Museum and to demonstrate how research and information can be two sides of the same matter, which is actually the force and quality of museums.

The archaeological institutes of Aarhus and Copenhagen Universities are of vital importance to the activities of the archaeological museums and consequently also to the identity of the local community.

The decentralization of archaeological investigations and excavations has created a fertile soil for a professional effort based on the conditions of the specific area, with cultural activities carried out locally. These wide-ranged activities have turned out to be a great advantage to Danish archaeology and Danish museums on the whole.

Steen Hvass

Vejle Kulturhistoriske Museum




How to Cite

Hvass, S. (1989). Yggdrasill. The world Tree. Kuml, 36(36), 15–20. https://doi.org/10.7146/kuml.v36i36.110858