A correction. The construction of the southern Jelling mound


  • Tage E Christiansen
  • Peter Crabb




building, southern jelling mound, correction of dating


The construction of the southern Jelling mound. A Correction

In Kuml 1975 (p. 163-172), a dendrochronological dating of the remains of the post building found at the top of the southern Jelling mound in 1941 was published. This dating has been found to contain an error, which is corrected here. The correction has no effect on the date of erection of the building, which is still placed slightly after the middle of the 12th century, but makes it uncertain how long the structure was in use. Before the error was discovered it managed to generate another. This refers to the dating of a well at the Viking Age settlement of Trabjerg near Holstebro. Here, too, it is the length of time the well was in use which is affected, not the date at which it was dug.

These unfortunately erroneous dates have naturally led to an intensive search for a source of error. Now this has been found, there is every reason to believe that such errors will not occur in the future.

Tage E. Christiansen

Oversættelse: Peter Crabb




How to Cite

Christiansen, T. E., & Crabb, P. (1983). A correction. The construction of the southern Jelling mound. Kuml, 31(31), 279–284. https://doi.org/10.7146/kuml.v31i31.109151