Elna Møller. The Worsaae-Medal


  • Olaf Olsen
  • Jean Olsen




elna møller, worsaa medalje



By presenting the Worsaae Medal to Elna Møller, the Jysk Arkæologisk Selskab has for the first time honoured a native Jutlander with its most distinguished award. It has been granted to Elna Møller in recognition of her outstanding contribution to Danish ecclesiastical archaeology during forty years.

The greatest part of Elna Møller's research activities is embodied in the big reference work, »Danmarks Kirker«, published by the National Museum, which she joined as editor of church architecture in 1944. In her time »Danmarks Kirker« has grown by a good deal more than ten thousand pages, and although the editors are not individually anonymous, it is none the less difficult to gain an idea of what each has contributed. For this reason, then, Elna Møller's most important undertakings will be singled out. It fell to her lot to examine and describe the fabric of some of the largest and most important churches in Denmark: the cathedrals of Roskilde and Ribe, and the Cistercian abbey at Løgumkloster. This she has carried out with masterly insight, rare pedagogical skill and expressive form. Not only has she solved most of the complicated problems connected with the origins and development of these churches, she has also presented her results so that they are accessible to a wide circle of readers. This is in itself a considerable achievement.

Elna Møller has also described several hundred village churches in »Danmarks Kirker«. It is characteristic of her that the task has never become montonous routine. She has marshalled her knowledge and, by means of penetrating studies through the length and breadth of each church, she has passed it on to others. New facets have thus been added to our knowledge of medieval churches in Denmark. Her clarification of medieval roof constructions is especially significant because, as a result of her fundamental research, church roofs are now a far better source of information about the structural history of churches than before.

Elna Møller's interest in medieval joinery and carpentry encouraged her in 1953 to begin systematic examinations beneath the floors of village churches to search for the forerunners of stone or brick-built churches. She was able to establish that there were traces of two wooden churches under Snoldelev Church, and with this discovery a new and fruitful phase of ecclesiastical archaeology began. Because of her commitment to »Danmarks Kirker«, which has to be published in a steady flow, it was not possible for Elna Møller to concentrate her time on these church-floor investigations. But as the initiator of these, and source of inspiration, she will not be forgotten.

Elna Møller is not only a productive scholar and assiduous writer, she is also a good colleague, who is never unwilling to share her deep knowledge with others, and whose interest in the well-being of her friends and associates is genuine and warm. To work for her and with her feels a privilege. It will be difficult to be without her when, at the turn of the year, she leaves »Danmarks Kirker«.

Olaf Olsen

Oversættelse: Jean Olsen




How to Cite

Olsen, O., & Olsen, J. (1983). Elna Møller. The Worsaae-Medal. Kuml, 31(31), 7–10. https://doi.org/10.7146/kuml.v31i31.109132