X-ray examination of the Elling find


  • Bent Langfeldt
  • Jørn Raahede




x-ray examination, elling woman


X-ray examination of the Elling find

The preserved skeletal parts of the Elling find have been x-rayed. The bones do not show any signs of illness or degenerative diseases apart from mild bony proliferations on the middle thoracic vertebra.

All the bones show severe osteoporosis. No signs of premortal fractures have been found, but a few fracture-like lesions have obviously been made post mortem by the out­digging procedure.

All apo- and epiphyses are completely mineralized and the first coccygeal segment is in bony connection with the fifth sacral segment.

From a radiological point of view the age of the body can be estimated to 25-40 years, and the correct age of the body, according to slight osteochondrotic-changes, is probably in the middle of the range mentioned.

The os sacrum and the other bony fragments of the pelvis indicate with very great certainty that the Elling find is a female.


We are very grateful to the heads of the Pathological Department, professor, dr. med. Kai Nielsen, professor, dr. med. O. Myhre Jensen, and their assistents for valuable help in handling the Elling find.

We are also grateful to the chief nurse of radiology, Ellen Raahede and the radiographer Marianne Lundsgaard for their help in making the radiograms. Furthermore we wish to thank chief photographer Lis Stougaard for valuable technical assistance.

All persons mentioned are members of the staff at the County Hospital of Aarhus, Denmark (Director: Peder Borgholm).

Bent Langfeldt og Jørn Raahede




How to Cite

Langfeldt, B., & Raahede, J. (1979). X-ray examination of the Elling find. Kuml, 28(28), 59–66. https://doi.org/10.7146/kuml.v28i28.106956


