The pots and the bronze vessel from Rådved
Rådved, pot, stralsund, kugeltopf, bronze vesselAbstract
The pots and the bronze vessel from Rådved
The coins from the Rådved treasure were hidden in an unglazed jug and a pot with a rounded bottom (»Kugeltopf«). A fragment from a green-glazed jug was placed as a lid and the whole arrangement finally covered with a cast bronze vessel turned upside down.
The pottery seems rather primitive compared with contemporary products from east Denmark whereas good parallels can be seen in the finds from east Jutland. All three pieces of pottery were, however, produced on a fast wheel. The bronze vessel has been equipped with three legs, now all missing. On the rim the mark of the manufacturer can be seen together with an arrow, the arms of the German city Stralsund. The three pieces of pottery are an important addition to the existing Danish collection of coin-dated pottery from the period appr. 950-1450, now amounting to 55 pieces from 44 finds. The green-glazed fragment is the youngest, precisely dated sample in Danish finds of the mediaeval decorated jug.
Niels-Knud Liebgott.
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