Brandstrup. Nye billeder af et gammelt fund


  • Jytte Lavrsen



Brandstrup, new cleaning and conservation, ny renset og konserveret


Brandstrup-new illustrations to an old find

The Brandstrup cavalry grave was excavated in 1953 and published in Kuml 1960. In 1970, X-rays of a number of objects from the grave indicated that more of the original silver inlay was preserved than had previously been thought. This occasioned a new cleaning and conservation of the find. This conservation was so successful that it seems appropriate to publish new illustrations of the most important objects, as they now appear.

Apart from the objects illustrated on the following pages, new information has been gained on a few pieces which are not illustrated.

Harness buckles and mountings (Kuml 1960, p. 98 f., fig. 10): A square buckle, which was in fragments, has been assembled and is now 6.5 cm wide and 7 cm long in the direction of the pin. The pin is flat, 0.8 cm wide, and has a recurved point. The two trapezoid strap-mounts have been cleaned. Each is bronze-plated on one side.

Fitments on wood (Kuml 1960, p. 99, fig. 12 and p. 100): To the four previously illustrated fitments may be added two more which had mistakenly been assigned to the gaming board (see below, fig. 11).

Jytte Lavrsen




How to Cite

Lavrsen, J. (1970). Brandstrup. Nye billeder af et gammelt fund. Kuml, 20(20), 99–108.


