För många texter kan skymma sikten. Om myndigheternas uppdrag, tidens ideal och policydokument vid svenska myndigheter


  • Catharina Nyström Höög




Under the influence of New Public Management, the text repertoires of public authorities in Sweden have changed. Today, public authorities produce a number of different policy texts, such as policies for communication, and for behavior within the workplace. The mere existence of such texts, not explicitly directed at addressees outside the authority, challenges the role of plain language. Is it worthwhile to establish plain language strategies for those texts, or do they call for a different kind of action? Are the advocates of plain language obligated, according to the language act, to make policy texts “cultivated, simple and comprehensible”? In this article, I argue that it might be more important for the language cultivation within the public authorities to discuss the amount of texts produced, and why texts are produced. Too many texts may be a plain language problem in itself; they tend to blur the view.





Höög, C. N. (2014). För många texter kan skymma sikten. Om myndigheternas uppdrag, tidens ideal och policydokument vid svenska myndigheter. Klart språk I Norden, 15(7). https://doi.org/10.7146/ksn.v0i0.20421