Current Issue

Vol. 40 No. 1 (2022): Fabrik&Bolig
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Selskabet til bevaring af industrimiljøer   

The purpose of the Society is to create interest in the documentation and research of the industrial history in general and for the conservation of buildings, plants, dwellings and cultural environments in particular. The Society engages in lectures, meetings and excursions, publishing journals and other form of communication and by actively supporting any kind of expression and other form of activities in order to preserve the industrial heritage.

The journal Fabrik&Bolig is published in Open Access 12 Month after the printed edition. ISSN 2596-8106

The Chairperson of the Society is also a born member of TIICH The International Committee for the Conversations of the Industrial Heritage (TICCIH).  The chairperson participates in TICCIHs congresses and delivers the periodical national rapports.

The Society is working together with  Svenska industriminnesföreningen (SIM)