Pan, tierra y tapaboca: Luis Muñoz Marín y el breve interregno democrático del Partido Popular (Puerto Rico, 1938-1948)


  • José F. Buscaglia


Palabras clave:

Puerto Rico, Partido Popular Democrático, Luis, Muñoz Marín, Pedro Albizu Campos, autonomismo, posibilismo


José F. BThe launching in 1938 and the implementation over the next two
decades of the reform program of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) resulted in
a radical transformation of the economy and a massive realignment of social
forces in Puerto Rico. That process was officially known as the ‘Puerto Rican
Miracle’ and, at the height of the Cold War, it was promoted by the USA as a
‘peaceful revolution’ in contraposition to the armed insurrection commanded by
Fidel Castro in Cuba. This article describes a process less transparent and
democratic that, conforming to Latin American populist traditions, unfolded
within a continuum where internal debate inside the PPD and opposition forces in
the public sphere, were systematically supressed as Luis Muñoz Marin rose to
become the uncontested leader of the movement. The experiment was also a
failed exercise in decolonization that brought dire consequences to large sectors
of Puerto Rican society.


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Cómo citar

Buscaglia, J. F. (2013). Pan, tierra y tapaboca: Luis Muñoz Marín y el breve interregno democrático del Partido Popular (Puerto Rico, 1938-1948). Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 14(20), 18.


