Revolución y utopía en política y arte
el caso de la Cuba revolucionaria
Cuba, revolución, utopía, cine, música, políticaAbstract
This paper studies the interrelation of the concepts of ‘revolution’ and ‘utopia’ within the paradigmatic utopian-revolutionary experience of Cuba after 1959 by analyzing the understanding and interpretation of the two terms in three different discourses or cultural products: (1) the official political discourse as represented in the preamble to the Constitution of 2019 and in fragments of two discourses of Fidel Castro, (2) the poetics of singer-songwriter (cantautor) Silvio Rodríguez, and the cinema of Tomás Gutiérrez Alea. In the official political discourse, “the Revolution” is considered an omnipresent phenomenon going beyond its immediate historical and social dimensions; it identifies with the people and the nation and is seen as a kind of supreme subject. In the poetics of Silvio Rodríguez, revolution and utopia are mostly present as the potential of future and hope, imagination and persistence, not unlike the ideas of philosophers Bloch and Abensour. Gutiérrez Alea dives critically into the immediate social reality of revolutionary Cuba. As Silvio Rodríguez, Alea stays loyal to the revolutionary project and, seemingly, his criticism respects the limits of the official discourse. However, using subtle narrative and visual resources, his films manifest more radical levels of critique.
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