El mito de Neruda filmatizado. El poeta imaginado y documentado


  • Claudio Cifuentes-Aldunate




ideology, subject of enunciation, biography, autobiography, signifiers, demystification


In this article, I will present the mythological character of signifiers (Barthes, 1957) in
biographical as well as autobiographical texts which subject has been the fictionalization of
the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. This is an interpretative reading of signifiers that are close
to the term of realem (Even Zohar, 1978) or are realems. The reflection is about the
strategies used to present contents that have an ideological signification as the nature of
things. The empirical material consists of two fictionalizations of Pablo Neruda’s life:
Michel Radfords Il postino (1999) and Luis R. Vera’s Neruda el hombre y su obra (2004).


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How to Cite

Cifuentes-Aldunate, C. (2014). El mito de Neruda filmatizado. El poeta imaginado y documentado. Diálogos Latinoamericanos, 15(23), 17. https://doi.org/10.7146/dl.v15i23.113118


