Second plural r-endings in older Danish and Norwegian


  • Seán D. Vrieland


Gammeldansk, Gammelnorsk, r-endelse


The unique second plural imperative ending -er (-ær) in older Danish has been previously explained by Krogh (1995) as enclisis of the plural pronoun *īʀ and of common origin to the Old Norwegian second plural ending -ir, used in all moods. The present article explains the latter as the result of proportional analogy with the dual pronoun (þ)ið < (þ)it whereas the enclisis hypothesis is still the best explanation for the former. Synchronically, the Danish ending functions to differentiate the plural from the singular in the imperative mood.



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D. Vrieland, S. (2024). Second plural r-endings in older Danish and Norwegian. Danske Studier, (2019), 180–187. Hentet fra



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