Barokdigte i Fyns Stiftsbibliotek
Barokdigte, Barok, FynResumé
One of the numerous manuscripts containing Danish Baroque poetry is presented here, namely the m 86 .1 Sa 57 Samling XLVII of Fyns Stiftsbibliotek, now in Syddansk Universitetsbibliotek in Odense. The octavo manuscript is bound in parchment and consists of a few more than 400 pages, written about 1725 by one or perhaps two hands, neither of which can be identified. Most of the texts are occasional poems, and six authors predominate: Tøger Reenberg, Jakob Knudsen Schandrup, Petter Dass, Dorothea Engelbretsdatter, Thomas Kingo, and Jacob Worm. One or more sections are dedicated to each of theses authors, arranged according to the occasion or the genre. As a special feature whole exchanges of poems are given, and poems dealing with poetics are rather common. Although the Odense manuscript has been utilized in Norwegian editions of Baroque poetry, it has been almost neglected in Denmark, in spite of its value as a textual source. Viewed as a whole it gives an interesting impression of the literary taste at the beginning of the eighteenth century.
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